Neuralgia is the occurrence of severe pain or burning sensation because of nerve damage. This nerve damage is considered in any body part and there is no specific reason for the nerve damage.
The treatment is designed based on the type of the pain and the position of the nerve. The causes of nerve pain types is not clearly understood. Individual may feel that nerve pain might be from nerve damage, injury, nerve pressure or alteration in the way the nerve operates. Seek medical advice from neuralgia specialist, Dr. Shivani Kalra for Neuralgia treatment.
Nerve can be affected by infection. For instance, the postherpetic neuralgia is shingles, an infection triggered by chickenpox virus. The infection may increase with age. Infection in a particular part of the body can also affect a close by nerve.
Multiple sclerosis is a dental disease caused by weakening of myelin, the covering of nerves. Trigeminal neuralgia can happen in others with multiple sclerosis.
Neuralgia is the pressure or compression of nerves. Pressure comes from a ligament, bone, ligaments, tumors etc. The pressure of an inflamed blood vessel is a common reason for trigeminal neuralgia.
Many diabetic people may have issues with their nerves that includes neuralgia. The additional glucose in the bloodstream can damage the nerves. This harm is common in arms, hands, feet and legs.
It might be one of the following common factors if the neuralgia cause is not an infection, MS, diabetes or nerve pressure. These include:
Neuralgia treatment options may vary depending on the severity and type of the conditions. To treat severe neuralgia pain needs surgical procedures, medication or both. Consult neuralgia doctor in Meerut at best dental hospitals.